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Re: MERRYROSE: List Explosion Suggestion

> Subj:	RE: MERRYROSE: List Explosion Suggestion


I am a new subscriber, a 'lurker', who subscribed out of
curiousity. I am filled with wonder. However, my terminal is
inundated with messages. 

Please do something to make possible reduction of the level of
noise, else I shall be forced to abandon this wonderful world for
the lack luster of the 'real world.' As has been suggested here, I
am certain many others are in a similar position.


> The most effective way that I can see remains that of breaking Atlantia 
> list into three basic categories:
> Announce
> Discuss
> Party
> Persons who think 200 messages per day is all in good fun can subscribe 
> to all three. Persons who think that 10-20 messages per day is better can 
> take announce and discuss. And people who just want news can just take 
> announce, with a traffic count of maybe 3 per day, tops.
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