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Re: MRS:Heraldry Graphic Libraries

Greetings to the patrons of the Merry Rose from Konrad.

There is a fairly simple Windows based shareware heraldry program located at 
http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/ph/fincham/blazon/blazon.htm.  It is fairly 
simple and limited as to the charges.  Maybe some of the more computer and 
heraldically literate folks could send the gentle who wrote the program some 
suggestions since he is ungrading the program.

Konrad der ruhige Baer    |    Or, a chevron azure,
Jay R. Shaner     |    in dexter chief a cross formy sable,
jshaner@solarex.com    |    a bordure sable.

| From: owner-atlantia
| To: atlantia
| Subject: Re: MRS:Heraldry Graphic Libraries
| Date: Thursday, June 20, 1996 9:15AM
| I actually have a copy of the full Corel 6 suite....if you give me 
| of what you are looking for I can search through the 600+ page book of
| clipart that came with it and let you know if I can find it  :-)
| Marc
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