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MR: Banter: An old song (about heraldry)

>I thank you, Kind and Gentle Lords!  Most Gracious of you!  Perhaps someone
>else could favour us with a song to cheer us...?  Is it not a fine thing when 
>we all can enjoy good company and good cheer?  Come, Lady Louise, take a seat 
>here by the....er, nice roast here.  And join me in a cup of wine?  
>Miriam R.

I was just thinking about offering a song.
There is one I have been thinking about that I learned back at Pennsic VI
(my first pennsic).
I am afraid I don't recall who wrote it.  I also assume that Alfgar was the
herald of the East at the time the song was written, since it was in the East
Kingdom Song Book.

Hark the Herald Alfgar Screams
Tune of Hark the Herald Angels Sing

Hark the Herald Alfgar screams
don't use blues on top of greens.
Or and Argent that's all right
metals and tinctures do not fight.
Use a bend, no highland plaids
keep it simple please my lads.
Azure, vert, purpure, and gules
must follow all my herald's rules.
Hark the Herald Alfgar screams
don't use blues on top of greens.

Hark the Herald Alfgar yells
don't use cars or oil wells.
Period we beg you please,
tygers we can draw with ease.
Please don't ask for rubber bands,
these must pass through Laurel's hands.
We draw rampant, couchant too,
dancing the hustle no can do.
Hark the Herald Alfgar yells
don't use cars or oil wells.

(helps you learn some heraldry too)
Michael of Hammond

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