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Questions: Herbalism & Costume Patterns

Greeting, gentles all!

As a neophyte SCAdian, each day I find more than interests me.  I am slowly
discovering certain things I would like to delve deeper into.  My resources,
drastically limited, do not permit much.  :p   But I wondered how hard/easy
it might be to start a herb garden.  Some information--> I live in an apartment
about 500 (? that might be drastically wrong ?) square feet.  There is a
great deal of natural sunlight pouring in through my windows when I leave
them open and they have lovely broad windowsills.  I've been reading about
herbalism and it fascinates me.  Are there any herbalists on this lists who
would be willing to correspond to help me get started?  Any hints? 

Also, I'm learning how to sew.  The patterns in "The Compleat Anachronist"
scare me silly (excepting the circle dress and T-tunic! :)  Does anyone
know of any *simple* garb pattern books/lines?

I love the current middle ages!  :)  :)  :)   

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