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Instead of being in a play...

>I have a new answer to give to the question of "who are you
>guys?" A friend and I were in Wal-Mart one evening, in garb,
>looking for a croquet set. I asked a worker in the toy section
>where one might be and was told there weren't any. Just as we
>were turning to leave, he called us back, wanting to know what
>was going on. So, I explained that we were in a historical
>society for the Middle Ages, and needed a croquet set for the
>event tomorrow. His reply, "Oh, so are you guys like real
>Indians?" I guess it was the leather belts...

My husband, Lord Charles of the Red Oaks, usually answers this with: 
"Yes, I am in a play, West Side Story", and he has not had a person 
who didn't beleive him!
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