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Re: Instead of being in a play...

Elizabeth Urbanik wrote:
> event tomorrow. His reply, "Oh, so are you guys like real
> Indians?" I guess it was the leather belts...

About a month ago, the great canton of Elvegast participated in a small local Ren
Fest.  After all was done on Sat night about 11 of us went to the nearby Golden
Corral.  Although our waitress almost freaked when she saw the "5 point star"
that I wear, after I explain that it is just decoration and I am NOT a devil
worshiper, she calmed down.  Meanwhile, 2 of our group, dressed in CELTIC GARB,
was at the salad bar when a redneck fellow look them over with disgust and then
asked them "are you guys Iranians ?"

Go figure

Eoghan mac Ailpein, Proto-Highlander Mid-800's
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia         
mka  Gene Bonar	 grb@fns.com  9191 772 1112   
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