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Alairian Coronation

Greetings, Merry Thorns, Gentles, Nobles, and Princes all!

Their Highnesses Deryk & Gwenyth of Alairia invite all gentles of the
Known World, Acre, and the other realms of like mind to attend Their
cornation July 20, 1996, in Virginia Beach, VA. 

 Admission is $20 for a feast of six removes with live entertainment. 
Bring your dancing shoes!

The site is TBD--we've got to make up our minds between the two we've
narrowed down, but the date is solid.  PLease keep in mind that our time
period ends in 1376, so costumes should be 966-1376 or close enough to
get away with.  There will be a contest for the best garb in one's own,
household or Kingdom colors.

If you wish to attend, please include with your reservatino your honors
as you wish to have them read for our herald's use.

E-mail us at alairia@juno.com for further information.  This is going to
be a great event!

With Warm Regards, 

Lyon FilsHenri


Can anyone tell me what the Latin for "Prince" is?
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