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Re: Discuss: Heraldry question
Greetings all good and gracious Rosettes,
[ I just read a post from someone whose title is "The Honourable Lord..."
and cleverly deleted the message before realizing that I had a question. He
stated that he uses the title since it annoys the heralds saying it isn't done
in Atlantia. I know that the title is not given in this Kingdom ...]
At Ymir this year then King Cunan grant 2 gentles arms. One of them, Falcone,
was deeply honored. The grant of arms is the only award or grant that he has
ever gotten.
Mostly the Grant of Arms is ignored because we don't put on as much pomp as the
older kingdoms, because this does not mean we should ignore the individual. If
I were talking directly to the person I would say "lord/lady whatever" but if I
were calling them to court or maybe even referring indirectly I would say "The
Honourable Lord/Lady..."
Eoghann mac Ailpein
mka Gene Bonar, grb@fns.com, 919 772 1112
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