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Re: Discuss: If Atlantia were a deck of Cards, what would it look like?

  This past December my husband and I plus 6 other SCA friends made a trip
  to the Cloisters museum in New York.  In their gift shop they had for
  sale a set of handpainted period playing cards.  I drooled over them but
  alas couldn't afford them.  They costed $120.00 a set.  If you wanted
  accurracy in this you might check with the Cloisters on authenticity of

I saw them too: and they came with a nice book.  They are quite authentic.

I did the next best thing to purchasing them: I told a friend of mine who was
sure to purchase them. I can check them out more closely, if you like.  I may
still have a copy of the Metroplitan Museum of Arts gift shop order number, if
people want it.

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