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Re: Heraldry Via The Net

On Thu, 20 Jun 1996, James Morrow wrote:

> Here is an idea.  I am more than sure that it isn't original.  We 
> talked about it at the A&S meeting tonight.
>   Why can't you submit you device via The Internet and have it approved 
> by Heralds that way Please?  There must be reasons and I would like to 
> hear them.

Well, if you submitted via internet, how did you pay your $8 per item

   Alys of Foxdale      |   Vert, on a fess between three trees
foxdale@widomaker.com   |       argent, a fox passant gules.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
             Official Heraldic Grop-- uh, Groupie

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