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Persona Gender: Was Enough Background

Milord Tibor:

It was once told to me that "Carolingia is a state of mind" and that
anyone could call themselves a Carolingian if they felt in their hearts
they were.  I joined the SCA north of Boston (in what was then the Shire
of Vatnaskvatstadir-- "The Shire of the Stuttering Viking") and for many
years after I left the SCA identified myself as Carolingian simply
because I could.  It was wonderful to here from someone I associate with
some of the very best events I've ever attended. (Were you at the 12th
Night where they did "Lion in Winter"--the "Good Parts" version?)

Your reply was welcome and heartening.  I hope to meet Messiuer Jehan!

Warmest Regards,

Lyon FilsHenri
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