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Re: DISC: New List System

Lyon wrote:
>I must admit to a preference for the old system myself.  I, like milord
>of Rutland, like to see from whom a mesage was sent.  I often sort by
>sender to make sure that any messages I am expecting get handled first. 
>If it is possible to change the system, I would ask that we do so.

Didn't Daniel say he was using Eudora and that it didn't show the sender's
name, only the list name? Or was that someone else? Anyway, I use Eudora
Light at home and it shows the sender's name just fine. For example, I saw
that this note was written by Lisa Z. Morgan. Maybe whoever it was who wrote
that Eudora wasn't doing this has it set up to show the reply to not the

In service,

   Corun MacAnndra   |   Can not run out of time. There is infinite time. You
 Dark Horde by birth |  are finite. Zathras is finite. This......is wrong tool.
   Moritu by choice  |                                        -- Zathras

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