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Re: Re[2]: DISC: Signatures

  >Before any text appears.  Kendrick, I can email you the address of the East
  >Kingdom list admin (heck, it's sca-east-owner@world.std.com) if you want to
  >know how she did it.
  Is East Kingdom using majordomo? If so, then that would seem to be that.

I believe that it is using majordomo.
  >Again: there are mechanisms that deal with just this problem, if we would only
  >use them.  It isn't all that hard.
  I've never administered a list and so don't know the ins and outs of the
  software used. If you have used majordomo, could you please enlighten us on
  these mechanisms?

I'd rather turn you over to an expert, like the Administrator of the East
Kingdom list (who does this for a living).  I'll send you her email address
privately, in a moment.  (I can dabble, but it is FAR wiser to admit your
limits up front, nes pas?)

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