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Re: Discuss: Heraldry question (Long!)

                                I would love to see a structure for submitting 
  recommendations, or at least a list of what should be in one, and what the 
  Crown really wants to receive in that respect, and from whom, so it wouldn't 
  be such a mystery...

I wrote such an article for my local newsletter: However, it has lots of
information about Eastern awards.  I'll bowdlerize it.  If someone wants to
use it as a basis for an Atlantian letter, I'd like to know, but I think I'd
be flattered.


[Editted article follows]

Everyone can, and everyone should, write letters of recommendation to
the Crown.  Our Royalty want to serve the Kingdom, and one of the nice
ways to do that is to learn about and reward wonderful people.  Please
promise yourself to write to the Crown at least once per reign.

Lately, most Eastern Royalty, have been careful to plan their awards
early, before their Coronations.  You should time your letters to match
their schedules.  For example, most Sovereigns give many awards at their
first court.  Since the East has polling orders, Royalty have been
considering those awards for several months prior to their Coronation. 
Among the best times to write the Crown are right after they have become
Crown Prince and Princess, particularly if you are recommending awards
that require polling.

Write every reign, sometimes the files get turned over in an organized
fashion, and sometimes not.  If an award you wish to see given didn't
happen, write again.

Know the awards of the East, and who to recommend for them.  Perhaps
the most basic awards are the Award of Arms, which the Crown gives
without consulting the orders.   The East also has several awards which
the Crown can give at any time: [List deleted -- Tibor]
                                          In addition, there are several
orders that are generally given by Royal Whim, but which could be
positively influenced by a nice letter: [List deleted -- Tibor ]

There are also East Kingdom Orders of High Merit.  They are accompanied by
an Award of Arms (if the recipient is not already armigerous), and are
polled.  They are: [List deleted -- Tibor]
          Also, there are the bestowed Peerages, among the highest awards
possible: Laurel (arts), Pelican (service) and Chivalry (martial).  The
Crown may also grant Court Baronies.  On really rare occasions, the have
granted (two) augmentations of arms: the right to bear a version of the
arms of the East upon personal armory.

Think about what the King and Queen are going to do with your letter once
they receive it.  You want them to use it to justify an award, but
usually, they file the recommendation too.  Put each award recommendation
on a separate page: not double sided.  This doesn't mean fill the page:
say what has to be said, briefly and clearly.  Be specific.  If it's for
a polling award, a short 2 line description for the polling letter is
also helpful.

Additional information that might be relevant includes your name (real
and society) and the name of the person who you are recommending (real
and society).  A clear statement of what award they are being recommended
for, and why.  Tell them what events they will likely attend, where the
person lives, who to contact for more information.  Give the Royalty the
information they need to actually give the award and some details on how
to decorate a scroll.  Check the spelling of his or her name carefully. 
And, if it isn't perfectly clear, make sure the gender of the person and
the persona (especially if they are different).  Also indicate whether
the person hates, or loves, surprises.

You can always ask any herald for help and advice, if you want.  As Golden
Gryphon Pursuivant, it is both my duty, and my real pleasure, to help.

It's nice when the Royalty give a tangible thanks to someone.  But, for
many of us in the Society, it's the thank yous from people that we know
that we treasure the most.  Build our Society, one thank you at a time.

	Tibor scribet
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