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1--Thanks; 2--A Quick Visit

>(Jennifer <now considering "Elspeth" as a name>)

Did you know that in peroid the Gaelic 'linnation' of the name 
Elspeth is Yalosach (pronounced Yeallowsach).  So if someone was 
saying something as simple as 'Chimera hwo' (Good Day) it would be 
Chimera hwo Yalosach and Elspeth would only be used when you refer to 
yourself.  Depends on how pick you want to be.  My laurel's name is 
Elasaid nic Pherson, Elasaid (Elasha) is also Elspeth with the same 
linnation.  If I ever called her Yalosach, she'd deck me.  Just 
thought you might want to know so that you don't get caught off guard.

    Annejke (Aonnika)
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