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Re: INFO: sekanjabin

Regarding sekanjibin.  The choice of vinegar is important, and need not be
restricted to one sort or another.  Rather, it should vary with the desired
flavor.  I frequently use cider vinegar, because I like the "snap" it adds.
Others prefer wine vinegar.  I would adivse against white vinegar, as I
have found it has little flavor.

A friend of mine and I recently made a batch flavoring with grape jelly,
rather than mint.  It tastes pleasant, but I have had difficulty getting
the lumps to dissolve.  I suspect it would work better if the water were
increased in the recipe and the jelly storred in while the sekanjibin
boiled, rather than steeping like mint leaves.

Harold Feld
Yaakov HaMizrachi

"Do not ask 'Why are these days not as good as the days of old?' This
question is not prompted by wisdom." -Eccl.

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