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Re: INFO: Lingua in Gena, Impropriety
While I am glad that quite a few people found the original post amusing, and a
few even tried to step in and point out that the greeting was even correct, in a
lefthanded sort of way:
Leifr wrote:
> Lord Alfredo writes:
> > I believe that "gentle" comes from the Latin "gentilis", which meant
> > "kinsman", while "genitalia" is the plural of "genitalis", which meant
> > "fruitful" or "generative". Therefore, I agree that the above-cited
Well, but it all comes from "gens", family...and you can't have kinsmen unless
*somebody* was fruitful. :-)
Thanks, guys, for the language lesson.
At LEAST three people have indicated that they were not amused by that
particular section of my post, and asked me not to repeat it.
HAVING ALREADY AGREED That, AND ALSO Having it pointed out to me that it was
doubly incorrect to put in an INFO: line, (although this does beg the question
if it would have been OK to put in a "BANTER" line, as has been suggested, and
which question DOES need to be answered before it happens again)
MY APOLOGIES to All and Sundry who found that post Less than Amusing, Esp.
Lady Alianora (sp?) Munro and His Excellency Corun MacAnndra. Had I known
that posting something I thought relatively innocuous would have caused the
furor it did, I wouldn't have posted it.
I HOPE that they (and you) will understand that in my original rebuttal I
ALWAYS PLANNED TO REFRAIN FROM DOING IT AGAIN, but sincerely wished to point
THROAT, which was the distinct impression I got from Lady Munro's message to
It has also been asked of me why I didn't reply privately to Lady Munro's
I was under the impression (and still am) that if I had replied privately, I
would have appeared to the Thorns as if I either 1) was too crass to care what
Lady Munro thought (by virtue of not having replied publicly) or 2) was too
timid to stand up for my original point.
Now, if somebody thinks I'm timid, that doesn't really bother me; but I
definitely didn't want to come off as being insensitive to someone's concern.
Thus the public response.
Basically, I feel that if someone says something to, or about, me or my
actions, and feels it necessary (for whatever reason) to post that to the
Merry Rose, that it is in my best interest to respond in the same forum, or
else all anybody will remember is the most recent words they saw. Try to keep
that in mind in the future, if (non-specific) you have a comment that
(non-specific) you'd like to make.
Sorry for the brouhaha,
Jonathan Blackbow
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