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ATL: Pennsic--new members looking for group to camp with

Greetings, all!

We decided yesterday to re-join SCA the best way possible--with a trip to
Pennsic XXV!  Unfortunately, we don't actually know anyone!

Are there any groups willing to host a couple of new/old members,
accomplished medievalists and generally good company, at their campsite?
 We will be bringing a 10 x 10 or so period pavilion, (assuming we can
borrow it from a friend) or if not, a mundane 9 x 12 tent.  We have
transportation, and can handle food, etc. ourselves.  We are willing to
participate in group efforts or be entirely self-sufficient.

After years of working our butts off in Alairia, we are interested in
using this as a vacation, so we will be travelling with an eye toward
recreation rather than big and fancy displays, but our campsite will not
detract from a period site.

I am very interested in Rapier combat, and would love to camp with
someone who can help me get started.  I am very skilled in Faire Speech,
and I want to come home knowing at least a dozen new dances.  My lady is
interested in dancing, costuming, dancing, period cooking and dancing. 
Oh, and shopping, but hey, it IS Pennsic, so that goes without saying.

Gwynnyth, (my lady) has been to Pennsic twice before, and I went once,
back at Pennsic XIII.

I am very good with campfires and willing to take my turn at fire watch
or guard duty.  (Formal for the muckety mucks or for real, to keep an
eye on the site.)

My preference is to be off the beaten path somewhat, so that the main
frenzy of activity is optional.

If there is anyone interested in discussing this, please e-mail us on our
private account, zacksmom@pinn.net, to save bandwidth on this list.

Thank you in advance,

Lyon FilsHenri of Alairia, (who in SCA will most likely go as Lord Will
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