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Returning Arts and Sciences Event!
In A Phoenix Eye V
June 15th, A.S. XXXI
(combined with Auxillium et Concillium event)

In the midst of summer come join us in the cool, conditioned air of Smith
Middle School for a day of frolic, creativity, and fun, as we host the annual
A&S event for the Barony of Sacred Stone.
You may enter the Pentathlon by submitting entries to five separate A&S
categories.  Any art or science covered in the Kingdom A&S manual is an
acceptable entry, so choose your weapon!  We will be using Full and Fair
Judging from the criteria provided by Lady Dierdre, our Kingdom MoAS.  Your
local officers have this criteria for your perusal.  If you have any
questions, do not hesitate to contact me (see below).
Proposed Activites:  (to coincide with A&C activities, which include
1.  1. Kostkas juggling.
2. The Second Shepherds Play (Baelfire Dunn group).
3. Gawains jack or bottle demo (leather).
4. Fabric Swap.
5. Auction for the Eye.
6. Bardic Circle.
7. Authors Game (this is the game where people sit in a circle and one person
starts a story, stopping at a particularly exciting place, and the next
person carries on, and so forth).
8. Gaming Table.
 Cost:  Free!!
Autocrat:  Lady Demetria della Stanza, mka Cat Hannah, 109-A Leeper Ave.
Belmont, NC  28012.  Phone:  (704) 825-9388.  No calls after 10:00pm please. 
email: catmuse@aol.com.  I usually check this often, so its a good method to
>From the North:  Take your best route to I-77 South.  Take exit 5 (Tyvola
Road exit) and turn left, away from thye coliseum.  Go through 5 traffic
lights (approx. 1.2 miles) and Smith Middle School will be on your right.
 Turn into the first parking lot.  There will be signs to direct you.
>From the South:  Take your best route to I-77 North.  Take exit 5 (Tyvola
Road exit) and turn right, away from the coliseum.  Go through 4 traffic
lights (approx. 1.2 miles) and Smith Middle School will be on your right.
 Turn into the first parking lot.  There will be signs to direct you.

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