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Demo also

Poster: Annejke@prodigy.com (MS MARTHA L WALLENHORST)

For those folk who may have forgotten Stierbach is having a demo on 
the 4th of July also.  It is from 2 until 6pm at Costello Park in 
Manassas Park.  Take you best route to I-66.  Take the Rte 28/ 
Centreville exit.  Take a right towards Manassas.  Go about 7 miles 
to Spruce St, turn right.  If you get to Shoppers food Warehouse you 
have gone to far.  Go down Spruce St. to old Centreville Road, the 
park is right there.  Bring something to do, your armor and your 
dance shoes and join us for a differnet type of 4th.

If you have any questions call me,
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