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Re: MR-Banter: Song copyright

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  > The actual tune that Alfredo wrote for was written by the Who.
  Can you prove that accusation?

I can't even prove it *was* an accusation, Gran Bufon!
  > PS.  Third Base!
  This reminds me of a little dialogue my lady wife and I performed a while ago.
  I played the part of an abbot, with lines like:
  Ita, te docebo.  Tamen, incredibile auditu, ridiculissima nomine nobiles hodie
  habent.  In nostro principalitate, Quis est princeps,
  Quid est dux, Ignoro est vicecomes ...

Why ignore the Viscount, Alfredo, is he behind the curtain?

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