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Re: MR: Disc: Pay-to-Fight

Poster: Logan <logan123@charlotte.infi.net>

> Gods and Goddesses above and below, a Prince with a twisted sense of humour.
> I love it. Is there by any chance Mongol blood in your family Your Highness?

I suppose there is a chance of Mongol blood in My vein, however, Pa 
Ebonwoulfe is some what of a mystery.  He has traveled quite a bit and 
I've never meet him.  Just look at My freakish, Irish brother Killian.  
How he and I came from the same fruit is beyond Me!

> In service,
> Corun

With an ear to ear grin, and loving the Irish (before someone gets bent 
and picks that to death)


p.s. still too scared to love the Mongols (I've heard such tales)  8^)
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