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disc: top 10 royal off-hand comments

Poster: "Greg Lindahl" <lindahl@pbm.com>

Top 10 off-hand Royal comments to inspire consternation and confused
gossip among the populace:

10) My favorite candy is pop rocks, even though they aren't period.

9) You know, kings used to be able to behead people.

8) Aren't mood rings really groovy? I like mine better than my signet ring.

7) This is so much fun, maybe I'll do it again!

6) I find Winnebagos much more comfortable than pavillions.

5) All entrants to crown tournament must have less than 6 months
fighting experience.

4) Some days I just wanna take off and sail around the world.

3) That kid's so noisy maybe he should get a Laurel in disruption!

2) If the north of Atlantia forms a principality, perhaps the South
should too.

And the #1 ambiguous statement to promote gossip:

1) But some of my best friends are rapier fighters...
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