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The Cost of Playing <Banter>

Poster: Charlene Noto <charlenn@MICROSOFT.com>

>"Edward R. Ewen, Jr." <tewen@gandalf.cs.wcu.edu> states:
<many things snipped for brevity>
>And that's not all, having paid all this, there is the cost associated 
>with weekly meetings/practices, general wear and tear on equipment, the 
>occasional demo, and any monies spent trying to get abbove the minimum 
>necessary requirements...figure these in and you end up with a figure of 
>over $1000 per year, not counting prepatory costs.

I once used the argument...
"But it's so a cheap! $15 for a weekend and that includes your meal? "
Oh My, my, my....... 

-Deirdre (who sews in the kitchen now since there is so much stuff
stored in her sewing room that she can't get in the door anymore)
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