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Re: DISC: Pay to Play--Non-Member's POV

Poster: Catmuse@aol.com

In a message dated 96-07-08 09:17:24 EDT, you write:

> I find it perfectly all right that an organization
>that requires a great deal of work to make it run should ask me to
>provide this small token of my support for their efforts before enjoying
>the fruit of those efforts.  This is especially true for fighting because
>it takes so much non-fighter support to pull off a tourney.  Marshals,
>MOL, water bearers and a chirugeon for SCA, and add four judges to an
>Alairian tourney count of non-fighter support folks.  If those people
>working hard to give me a fun day want the equivalent of three bucks a
>month from me, and they'll throw in a very fine newsletter every
>quarter, ok.  I'll pay or not play.
>Lyon FilsHenri, Alairia

Well spoken, my Lord, and I applaude thee.

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