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Banter: Pipes and pipers

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Leifr wrote:
>Lord Gregory Blount postscripts:
>> [ but I still think we should require memberships for musicians,
>> especially... bagpipers. ]
>No, actually bagpipers should be licensed and registered so that one dark 
>night we can come and take them all away.  The pipers, not the pipes, 
>anyone who can make that sound is obviously a target for elimination ;-).

I can't remember now where I read this, but I recently came across something
about a piper in England who was practicing in a park. Now it was against
the law to practice any musical instrument in the park, but when the police
were called in to arrest the man, he claimed that a little known Royal edict
had declared the pipes an instrument of war, and therefore he was well
within his rights to practice them in the park, as there was no law against
practicing with instruments of war.

I wonder how Dafydd would term them at a Pas d'Armes. Would they be weapons
of peace or weapons of war? ;-)

In service,
Corun (who has a lovely set of Uilleann pipes for sale)

   Corun MacAnndra   |   Can not run out of time. There is infinite time. You
 Dark Horde by birth |  are finite. Zathras is finite. This......is wrong tool.
   Moritu by choice  |                                        -- Zathras

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