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Re: Heartache....

Poster: SWMyers@aol.com

In a message dated 96-07-10 13:23:32 EDT, you write:

<<  Hello Scot,
      Dude, was publishing that piece of Private e mail a good idea? >>

Definitely an accident, James, my man.  While those are important issues to
be sure, I would never have raised them in quite that way on purpose.

<<  I don't think so. >>

Yeah, well....

<<  Get ready to catch hell for it. >>

You know me, always in the line of fire.

<<  I hope you don't.  >>

Too late, I get a piece of pretty vile hate-mail every day from your house
brother, JB.

<<  I hope to see you around. >>

I hear your new job allows you more weekends off!  Your smiling face has been
sorely missed.

All my love, BRAN
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