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Re[2]: constructive solutions

Poster: "David H Ritterskamp" <dhritter@dpcmail.dukepower.com>


Subject: Re: constructive solutions

Poster: Wayne Precht <wayne@tiber.ed.umuc.edu>
> Poster: "Greg Lindahl" <lindahl@pbm.com> 
> I'd like to make a constructive suggestion, one which might help
> everyone: a TI article described an apparatus, consisting of a post, a 
> bowling ball, and a tape measure, which can be used to accurately
> measure the force of a blow.
     [I have used the device in question and found that:
     1. The problems described in the earlier email message about its not 
     working have apparently been ironed out [no backlash];
     2. Whether it is an accurate representation or not -- it's fun!
The Bowling ball test and other, more informal, surveys indicate that #1 
is a fairly consistant amount of force among the experienced fighters.  
Judging #2 is much more difficult since there is no objective way to tell 
how much force is being felt through the armor and there are a host of 
factors that effect the impact.   
        [THAT's the truth.]
        Ld. JB

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