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Re: Cinnamon?

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  As the gracious Lord Phillip Bell, and many of the other gentles from the 
  Barony of Nottinghill Coill, discovered at their Feast of the Thirty 
  event, His Highness has an extremely difficult time saying the word 
  cinnamon. If he attempts to speak it at regular speed it typically comes 
  out cimmamon, cimmanon or any other variation there of. If he speaks very 
  slowly and carefully he can say cin-a-mon. This provided a good deal of 
  humor when His Highness was presented with a cinnamon cordial as a gift 
  for Us in court at Feast of the Thirty.

Your Royal Highness, if I may offer a small suggestion?

In many period cookery tracts (but not all) the terms "Canel" and "Cinnamon"
were used interchangeably.  While they may have actually (in some times and
places) meant specifically Bark Cinnamon and Cassia, the tastes and quantities
are so similar that they can be used interchangeably.  I am told that much of
what is marketed in the US today as cinnamon, is in fact cassia.  Of this, I
am not certain, however.

There is no Cinnamon:  There is only Canel.

	Tibor (sometime cook)
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