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MR: Disc: event at The Merry Rose

Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com

> > Duke Richard wrote:
> >   What we can't do, from this list, is make cultural, social,
> >   or systemic changes to the way Atlantia or the SCA works.  I make this
> >   statement not entirely convinced that it is correct.  I'd love to hear
> >   some counter-examples.

Master Tibor replied:
> > I'm not sure.  Change at a gross level takes time and sustained effort,
> > large groups of people.  I believe that a mailing list can reach, and even
> > motivate, large groups of people, and can be used as a catalyst for change.
> >
> > Major changes of the kind you speak of are so vanishingly rare, that it
> > becomes hard to generalize.  I suspect, however, that it is quite possible.

To which King Galmr said, in part,
> I think it would be hard to have a major change for two reasons:
> 1) As many people as are on the list, it still only represents something
> like a 1/5 or a 1/6 of Atlantia's total paid members.
> 2) The people on the list do not necessarily include all of those that
> would be useful in affecting change.
> I think some ideas can be put together online, but it is only
> what happens at events that really matters.

Is there a Law, or article of Corpora, that prevents an event from
being held at The Merry Rose, or is it only a tradition that events
be held at physical locations?  One sixth of Atlantia's population
meseems to be a respectable turnout for an event.

Of course, it would have to be a non-martial event.
OTOH, it could be on the royal progress.

-- Alfredo
Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
So, where the hell was Biggles, when you needed him last Saturday?
And where are all the sportsmen who used to pull you through?
They're all resting down in Cornwall, writing up their memoirs
For a paperback edition of the Boy Scout Manual.
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