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Re: The Merry Rose

Poster: Wayne Precht <wayne@tiber.ed.umuc.edu>

> Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>
> Greetings from Tibor.
> Duke Richard wrote:
>   What we can't do, from this list, is make cultural, social, organizational
>   or systemic changes to the way Atlantia or the SCA works.  I make this
>   statement not entirely convinced that it is correct.  I'd love to hear some
>   counter-examples.  My jaded view (old fart alert) led me to generalize this
>   view to all of the activity that goes on on our forum.
> I'm not sure.  Change at a gross level takes time and sustained effort, from
> large groups of people.  I believe that a mailing list can reach, and even
> motivate, large groups of people, and can be used as a catalyst for change.
> Major changes of the kind you speak of are so vanishingly rare, that it
> becomes hard to generalize.  I suspect, however, that it is quite possible.

I think it would be hard to have a major change for two reasons:

1) As many people as are on the list, it still only represents something 
like a 1/5 or a 1/6 of Atlantia's total paid members.

2) The people on the list do not necessarily include all of those that 
would be useful in affecting change.

It has certainly been a help for me (and a hinderance in some ways) to be 
able to monitor the list and receive email as a monarch and I am glad that 
TRHs will have the same ahh..pleasure :).  Of course the Royalty are only 
one small part of the core group of the Kingdom that leads the way, so to 
speak, culturally.  The 50 or so other people, peers and non-peers, that 
you see at every big event (and are the pool from which most Kingdom 
officers are drawn) make up the rest of it.  Lots of the people are not 
yet connected.  Also, actions speak louder than words, and a lot louder 
than email.  I think some ideas can be put together online but, it is only
what happens at events that really matters.

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