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RE: Cinnamon?

Poster: Charlene Noto <charlenn@MICROSOFT.com>

>>>Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com>
>>>For a man who has problems with the word 'cinnamon' SURELY
>>>would quake when faced with 'snickerdoodles rolled in cinnamon'.
>>>        - Anarra (What, me wicked??) Karlsdottir

And good gentles, let us not forget that the Kingdom Arts and Science
competition for The Coronation of Logan and Arielle will once again be
Their Majesties Treasure Chest. <g>  I imagine that even as we read
this, there are talented individuals in the Kingdom crafting many
wonderful unique treasures to be donated in this competition.

Let the coffers of Their Majesties Gift Chest be filled with the works
of Atlantian artisans!

-Deirdre (um..er...just doing my job, Your Highness)
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