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Re: Courtesy: An Immigrant's Perspective

Poster: hfeld@ids2.idsonline.com (Harold Feld)

Good Lord Ambrosius and the rest of the Merry Rose,

I came to this land some three years ago, and agree with much of what this
good gentles has said.

So the question comes, what can be done.  Specifically, what can be done by
those of us that are not "old guard" or in positions of authority?  I
despise the notion that I should rely on others rather than shoulder the
burden myself, but it is certainly true that my own sporadic efforts have
yielded little.

If anyone is interested, btw, in discussing period storytelling or poetry,
I'll be at the bardic circle at Baronness Brenna's this Wed.  Email me for
directions (it follows dance practice).


Harold Feld
Yaakov HaMizrachi

"Do not ask 'Why are these days not as good as the days of old?' This
question is not prompted by wisdom." -Eccl.

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