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Re: Bertha

Poster: "Nicole C. Honeycutt" <lawless@isaac.net>

teresa marie nava-vaughn wrote:
> Poster: teresa marie nava-vaughn <tmn@wam.umd.edu>
> My best to everyone on the coast of Seareach.  I hope all were spared from
> nature's wrath.
> (and that the little beach house on Topsail Island where Xenophon and I once
> lived still has a roof).
> Celynen of Stow-on-the-Wold
Other than pulling 17 hour shift I made it through...I don't have to cut 
fire wood or prune this year though.  She sure turned out to be 
something. It's still early season...we may be in for a hard blow this 
year.  Anyone out there from Tear Sea's Shore or St. Michael's keep or 
Misty Marsh by the Sea?  How did ya'll (yep, i am a southern Atlantian 
by birth) fair?

Emma Lagheles of House Blacksea 
( and it sure was black this weekend)
------------------------------------------------------------------------By the pricking of my thumb.....I told you to be careful with that 
sharps container!!!
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