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Re: Bertha

Poster: "Christine Jurand" <cjurand@awod.com>

   Milady Emma,
         I am from the Barony of Hidden Mountain, very close to the Canton
of Tear Sea's Shore, and I can tell you that Bertha just came and went. 
For people living along the immediate coast, I believe they experienced
some heavy winds and rain...some may have had a loss of power.  But in all
it was not a bad storm, even for those people living on the coast.  Where
I reside (North Charleston), we were lucky to experience ONE minor gust of
wind, with nary a drop of rain in sight!  I believe, milady Emma, that
those gentles living north of my area received a far worse turn of events.
 I had spoken to someone in the Georgetown area, and was informed that the
weather there was much the same as it was for myself.  Drawing my opinion
from what information I've gathered, I'd have to say that my area really
lucked out, and that those gentles living in North Carolina and Virginia
were hit harder.  I sincerely hope that this season's storms do not get
any worse.
                     Gabrielle Gasparella
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