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The real G&PD language
Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>
Some time ago (Back when it was relevant), I promised to post the new language
for the new G&PD stuff about waivers. It took me a while to get it all typed
in, spell checked and proof-read.
I think it's correct for now... so here it is.
12. SCA COMBAT-RELATED ACTIVITIES (July 1986, Rev. January 1992, July 1994,
April 1996 changes effective July 1 1996)
1. Definitions: SCA combat-related activities are defined as armored
combat, period fencing, combat archery, marshalling, scouting, and
banner bearing in combat. Other activities clearly falling within
the scope of the above are also to be considered combat-related
2. Authorization for SCA Combat-Related Activities: A participant in
any of the SCA combat-related activities as defined above must be
authorized by a marshal warranted and designated by the Earl
Marshal of a kingdom or his representative as able to authorize
individuals in the appropriate activity.
The Society Marshal shall define requirements for authorization
for all combat-related activities and shall place them in the
Marshal's Handbook. Kingdoms may define such additional types of
authorization (such as weapons forms) as they deem necessary.
Authorizations shall be registered with and kept on file by the
Minister of the Lists or other designated official of each
3. Waivers for SCA Combat-Related Activities: Waivers for SCA
Combat-Related Activities are required for participation in these
activities. The SCA General Membership waiver adopted in July
1995 is the text required for use in the United States.
Alternative texts may be approved by the Board for use in other
countries. Proof of wavier will be established as follows:
a. To be authorized, or to engage as an authorized participant in
SCA combat related activities, a person must present a current
valid membership card indicating that the appropriate waiver is
on file with the SCA, Inc. or they must sign a waiver with the
same text pursuant to the General Waiver Policy (G&PD 19) and
comply with all the provisions of that policy.
b. To train for authorization at SCA-sponsored practice sessions,
a person must either present a current valid membership card
indicating that the appropriate waiver is on file with the SCA,
Inc. or they must sign a waiver with the same text pursuant to
General Waiver Policy (G&PD 19) and comply with all the
provisions of that policy.
4. Combat Authorization Card: A Combat Authorization Card shall be
issued to each authorized participant in an SCA Combat-Related
Activity. This card shall be presented to the Lists Official at
an SCA event to register for such activities and shall establish
that the person is authorized. This card must be shown to any
Marshal or lists official upon request. The Society Marshal shall
establish procedures for the notification and registration of
authorizations and the issuance of the Combat Authorization
5. Minor Participants in SCA Combat-Related Activities: No person who
has not attained his or her sixteenth (16th) may be authorized in
armored combat or the marshalling of armored combat. No person
who has not attained his or her fourteenth (14th) birthday may be
authorized for any form of SCA combat-related activity.
Prior to the authorization of a minor in any SCA combat-related
activity, the parent or guardian of the minor must witness the
activity, discuss it with a witnessing marshal, and execute a
Waiver for the minor pursuant to G&PD 19. The witnessing marshal
must be explicitly authorized to perform this function by the Earl
Marshal of the kingdom. The marshal who authorizes a minor person
for any form of SCA combat-related activity must be the Kingdom
Earl Marshal or the Principality Earl Marsha. This need not be
the same person as the witnessing marshal.
6. Medical Authorization for Minors: Any minor involved in SCA
combat-related activities at an event MUST have a parent or legal
guardian present at the event, or be in possession of a
properly-executed Medical Authorization Form for Minors
designating some adult person present at the event as able to
authorize medical treatment for that minor in the case of any
The Board recommends that all minors who are ATTENDING an event
without a parent or legal guardian have a properly-executed
medical authorization form as provided above.
13. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP WAIVERS (July 1986, revised April 1996 - changes are
effective July 1, 1996)
1. The General Membership waiver shall be incorporated into the
Membership Application form, to be filled out by the prospective
or renewing member at the time the membership application form is
filled out. This Waiver covers attendance and participation at
Society events.
2. A membership card (blue card) with a condensed form of the waiver
text printed on the back shall be provided to members who have
executed the general waiver as part of becoming members or
renewing their memberships.
3. Members who have not executed the general waiver as a part of
becoming members or renewing their membership shall be issued a
different coloured membership cards and shall be subject to the
provisions contained in the General Waiver Policy (G&PD 19) as if
they were not members of the SCA, Inc.
4. Non-members, and members who have not brought their blue
membership cards, are required to comply with the waiver signing
provisions contained in the General Waiver Policy. (G&PD 19) or
they shall be denied admittance to SCA sponsored activities coming
within the purview of said Waiver Policy.
5. Regardless of any other provision of this section, minors shall
all be subject to the provisions of G&PD 19 irrespective of their
membership status.
19. SCA GENERAL WAIVER POLICY (adopted April 1996, effective July 1, 1996)
1. All non members or persons without a blue membership card
attending any event sponsored by a branch of the SCA, Inc. must
execute a wavier with the text adopted by the Board of Directors
at each such event, practice or function. Members that have a
combat waiver on file at the Member Services Office and have a
blue membership card are not required to sign additional waivers.
Kingdoms _may_, at their discretion, require individual waivers
even from members with combat waivers on file. An individual
waiver must be executed for each minor. As much as possible Minor
waivers shall be printed or copied on coloured paper to help
easily differentiate them from adult waivers.
2. The text of all waivers must be the language approved by the Board
of Directors for waiver usage, subject to individual modern
jurisdictional requirements. Such alternative texts must be
approved by the Board of Directors prior to usage. Roster style
waivers are acceptable providing that the full text of the waiver
language is included.
3. An event, for the purposes of this section only, is defined as any
recreation function announced in either the branch, Kingdom, or
Principality newsletter. Business meetings, demos, guild
meetings, dance practices, or planning sessions are specifically
excluded from these provisions. Combat or Fighter practices are
not excluded and waivers must be collected from those actively
participating in the combat related activities at such practices.
Any function at which combat related activities will occur fall
under the auspices of this wavier policy, regardless of what other
activities may be occurring at the function. If there is a doubt
about whether a specific function falls under this policy, the
Kingdom Seneschal is directly empowered by the Board to make that
determination and report same in their next regularly scheduled
report. (short form definition - if you are required to be wearing
either armour or garb, or to have a bow in your hands to
participate - you need to sign waivers).
4. The local Seneschal, or other officer in charge of any function at
which waivers will be required, is response for ensuring that a
copy of that Kingdom's Law and the current Organizational Handbook
are available at that function.
5. All original executed waivers shall be sent to the Member Services
Office by each branch on a monthly basis. Waivers should be
separated by function and each grouping clearly labelled with the
following information: name of the branch/ name of the function/
date of the function. Copies of waivers need not be kept at the
local or Kingdom level.
6. The Member Services Office shall maintain the waivers as follows:
Minors Waivers: 20 years.
Adult Waivers: 7 years.
7. The Members Services Office will have pads of pre-printed adult
and minor waivers for sale on a cost basis beginning June 1,
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