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Re: a few unrelated questions

Poster: "Chuck Graves" <chuck_graves@mail.hq.faa.gov>

Greetings, all.

>1) I seem to remember somebody mentioning something about lining a 
>homemade mug with "liquid glass" to keep it safe for drinking. Does 
>anybody out there now know more on this?

I believe you are talking about the resin mentioned by Martin. I have 
heard some of the Ren Faire merchants refer to it as 'liquid glass'. 
When you check the hobby store, make sure it says it is food safe. I'm 
not sure all of them are.

My preferences are beeswax, paraffin, and brewer's pitch (in order of 
preference). Waxes in horns; any of the above in leather jack, 
pottels, etc. A caution about the brewer's pitch, it leaves an 
aftertaste but not bad if you like retsina or very dark beers. Also, 
brewer's pitch is hard to find in reasonable quantities--you have to 
buy it 50 pounds at a time, which is probably enough to seal every 
drinking vessel in Atlantia.


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