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RE: a few unrelated questions

Poster: Gregory Stapleton <gregsta@MICROSOFT.com>

HRH wrote:
>  Lord Gawain Kilgore (gregsta@microsoft.com) knows a good 
>deal about coating leather jacks for that very purpose.
I have three processes that I have used successfully for lining mugs.
Two period and one not.

Period Processes
1) Lining with Beeswax (Parafin wax may be used as a non-period
replacement).  Melt the wax in a double boiler (very important for
safety sake), pour it into the mug and gently roll it around to get a
good coating.  Repeat this a few times, to build up a thickness of 1/8"
to 3/16" or so.

Advantages - A period treatment.
Disadvantages - Hot drinks and Alcoholic beverages will dissolve / melt
the wax.  Needs to be renewed periodically.  Hard to clean.

2) Lining with Brewers Pitch.  Melt the pitch in a double boiler (very
important for safety sake), pour it into the mug and gently roll it
around to get a good coating.  ***Be ESPECIALLY careful to not pour the
hot pitch on yourself, as it sticks to you and can cause a nasty burn.
Repeat this a few times, to build up a thickness of 1/8" to 3/16" or so.

Advantages - A period treatment.  Easy to clean.  Durable.
Disadvantages - Hot drinks can dissolve / melt the coating.

3) Food Grade casting resin/epoxy.  ***If using this method, BE SURE to
get a resin that states on the package that it is food grade.  Michael's
Arts and Crafts carries a two part casting resin that states it is food
grade safe.***  First, be sure that your work place is well ventilated.
This process produces lots of vapors and fumes.  Mix the two part epoxy
in a disposable dixy cup, per manufacturers instructions.  Pour it into
the mug and gently roll it around to get a good coating.  Be careful of
your working time.  When this stuff sets up.  It sets up almost
instantaneously.  Also, be aware that there is a chemical reaction
taking place that generates a good deal of heat.  

Advantages - Easy to clean.  Withstands strong alcoholic and hot drinks.
 Great where complete periodness is not needed.
Disadvantages - Not period.  The resin outgases for about a week, so I
don't find these mugs instantly useable.  I like to let them set for a
while until they finish outgasing / curing.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

I hope that I have been of service,

Lord Gawain Kilgore

gregsta@microsoft.com / kilgore@vnet.net
H: (704) 394-3302 NTL 11:00PM
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