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Re: Leifr, please read

Poster: Dexter Guptill <dguptill@erols.com>

At 08:20 AM 7/18/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Poster: Kevin of Thornbury <kevin@maxson.com>
>Leifr said:
>> I think we might as Lord Rabah what he thinks of collecting these poems 
>> and publishing them, the proceeds to go to support tragicly widowed 
>> Atlantian Baronesses.
>My Lord,
[Head-biting snipped]
>Bryce de Byram

I've known Leifr since before he joined the Society. I was getting set up to
fight a tourney, and this (at the time) mundane person walked up and started
helping with my armor. He joined, authorized, and  four weeks later fought
in Novice Tourney. He spent a couple of years as my man-at-arms and then
became my squire-brother. I cite the above to point out that inasmuch as any
of us can claim to know someone, I do know Leifr.

I will grant you, that Leifr does occasionally put his foot in his mouth. In
this case, I believe that his comments above were a sincere suggestion for a
way to help. Throughout his time in the SCA, I've seen him consistently jump
in with both feet wherever he saw a need for help that he could provide.
This strikes me as another such. BTW, call me dense but I don't see any
sarcasm in the above.

Ld. Erich von Kleinfeld, CGD
Certified Old Fart

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