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Re: a few unrelated questions

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

Corun wrote:
  I've been trying to remember who I heard this from and have failed to recall
  the gentleman's name, but a couple years ago a former King of the Middle
  mentioned a fire retardant chemical that he'd been testing that he highly
  recommended. Alas, I not only can't recall his name, but the product name
  is also gone from memory (insufficient storage, maybe I need an upgrade).
  Tibor, do you recall those conversations? It was, I believe, two Pennsics
  ago, back when there was still a Pennsic Advisory Council. There was
  quite a discussion on the Rialto for a time.

I hadn't paid those conversations much attention, because I'd had no plans to
have a pavillion... and I didn't save them.  I just searched my archives for
Fire, Retardant and Chemical, and found nothing.  Sorry.

	Tibor (Brand New Pavillion...)
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