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Pennsic Waiver online?

Poster: "David K. Bodman" <dkbodman@nr.infi.net>

Greetings to all at the Merry Rose!!

FOR SOME REASON ... unbeknownst to me, I have not gotten a kingdom
newsletter in a while...didn't get pre-pennsic newsletter, etc...I have not
let my membership lapse, Malpitas has my correct address, etc. etc...
Anyhow, I would like to find someplace where I could DL the Pennsic Waiver
form so I can make them up before I get to Troll... unfortunately, the link
to the Troll from the Pennsic25 web site (www2.ny.cybernet.net) seems to
have died, leaving no forwarding URL..Anyone know where it's gone??

I'll see if I can search up someone who might have a physical copy, if no
one knows where I might find one online...I do so want to keep the trolls

If I can't find one, I'll see about scanning the physical one I find, and
maybe sending it to the atlantian web page administrator for posting...


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