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Re: Atlantia and a small challenge

Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com>

Sean MacKay writes:

> We can assemble the greatest allied force at Pennsic.

True, but that only makes us the third largest army at Pennsic.  And 
who knows where we will be after Aethelmearc goes kingdom?  Fourth?

Still, quality counts, and at least Syr Strykar thinks we are fairly
impressive as an army.  Maybe not as good as we think we are.  Maybe
not as good as we think we used to be.  But still better per head
then most.

And Atlantians are like that because:
	They love melees,
	They love their Kingdom,
	and they love their Crown.

All things not to be abused, of course.

Lord Giacomo, I hope that qualifies as "Good".  Thank you for your words.

Leifr Johansson
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