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Re: Atlantia and small change

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Alfredo wrote:
> This reminds me of a grook:
>              NAIVE
>            Naive you are
>            if you believe
>            life favours those
>            who aren't naive.
> This was written by the Danish mathematician Piet Hein, who invented grooks.

So a grook is a sentence that begins and ends with the same word. Like;

With is a word which you should never begin or end a sentence with.

I think I grok your grooks. ;-)

In service,

   Corun MacAnndra   | 			       <*WHAP*>
 Dark Horde by birth | 		           Welcome to Earth!
   Moritu by choice  | 					Wil Smith -- ID4
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