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Answering the small challenge

Poster: Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir <polearmed@worldnet.att.net>

Greetings and Allah's Peace to the denizens of the Merry Rose!!

I'll take the challenge to say something nice.  It's really not all that difficult.

Atlantia is an accepting Kingdom to say the least.  In mundanity, we hear constantly of 
diversity and the respect for it.  Noone can say it is absent in this Kingdom.

As someone who moved here 2 and a half years ago, I was taken aback at how well I was 
recieved by the populace, peers, and nobles alike.  Nobody really expected me to play 
"ring around the nosey" with them to be liked and accepted.  I did my thing, was 
courteous to those around me, and people treated me as a valuable part of the kingdom, 
just like everyone should be treated.

Regardless of any problems that we have "expended energy" to bring to light, Atlantia is 
rich in people that have the courage to spend considerable energy in introspect, holding 
themselves responsible for their actions.  We even take the risks to help our friends 
out by being candid and sincere.

I once thought that I could never find a kingdom that I would love like I did the 
Outlands.  I probably won't because the laurel kingdoms are just like individuals -- 
diverse, but I never thought I could love another kingdom like I have found that I love 
Atlantia.  The last two and a half years have been the most tempestuous and difficult of 
my entire life and if I hadn't found Atlantia -- Allah only knows.

So, Vivats and Huzzahs to Atlantia, The Glorious Kingdom!  Long life to those that wear 
Her Crowns and Coronets!  My blood for my King!
Donald S. Wagner             Sayyid Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir
Lead Technical Instructor        Barony of Windmasters' Hill
AT&T WorldNet Service                Kingdom of Atlantia
    "Once I cried because I could not understand polyrythmic
     synchopation, then I met a culture that had no drums."

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