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Re: Tirant Lo Blanc excerpt

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Esclarmonde wrote:
>  I had been collecting period insults for a while for use in rapier insult 

If you want some decent, period insults, I have an Elizabethan (read
Shakspearean) Insult Generator. You just pick on from column A, one from
column B and one from Column C. I printed this up in the Drekkar when I was
Storvik Chronicler, and I'm sure I still have a copy floating around if
anyone is interested. Also, there is a book called simply Shakespeare's
Insults, and is a compilation of some of his best lines.

And remember, the word 'thou' is always one of the strongest insults to give
to an equal, since in period it was usually reserved for those lower in
class than yourself.

In service,

   Corun MacAnndra   | 			       <*WHAP*>
 Dark Horde by birth | 			   Welcome to Earth!
   Moritu by choice  | 					Wil Smith -- ID4

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