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Re: Good Gentles wanting to find

Poster: Dan Mackison <DanM@skantech.com>

atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu wrote:
> Poster: James Jones <dunstan@vs1.invsn.com>
>    Greetings my Glorious Cousins!
>     I would ask to be granted a boon.  I am searching for some dear friends,
> formerly members of the Barony of the Far West,
>    Baron Ian McChatain (or MacChattan), and his fair wife
>    Baroness Gwendolyn nic Gille-Chattain.... (ask her about duct tape and
> green tea ice cream!  when needing caryout....)

Gwendolyn is presently senechal of the Shire of Cathanar, and Ian is
Knight's Marshall. They are shopping for a home in Cathanar and expect
to be moving into it soon.

Thomas MacFinn (mka Dan Mackison)
|Dan Mackison            |Hilda Jarvis           |
|dan.mackison@pobox.com  |hilda.jarvis@pobox.com |
| http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1824/horde.htm |

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