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RE: Atlantia and a small challenge

Poster: Gregory Stapleton <gregsta@MICROSOFT.com>

Greetings, Mi'lord Henry,

Be that as it may, in my opinion, University is not conducive to
displaying and discussing our Arts and Sciences with people who are
interested in similar crafts.  University just does not meet all of my
needs.  I have attended University and not taught any classes.  So, I've
had that experience.  I've also taught 1 or 2 hour classes at
collegiums.  I therefore know what that experience is like.  Everyone is
moving around and going to their own things, persuing their own
interests.  I might have an hour at lunch, assuming I could get a group
of like minded people together, to talk about what I'm interested in,
which is doubtful.

Univeristy does not, nor can it, meet all needs.  Nor should it.  If we
don't have room for additional activities to enhance the Arts and
Sciences experience in this Kingdom, there's something wrong.

Again, I say, I love Univerisity.  I just don't see it as the end all,
be all, of my Arts and Sciences experience in this Kingdom.


>From: 	Henry Best[SMTP:jstrauss@gmu.edu]
>Sent: 	Monday, July 22, 1996 6:50 PM
>To: 	atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu
>Subject: 	RE: Atlantia and a small challenge
>Poster: Henry Best <jstrauss@gmu.edu>
>On Mon, 22 Jul 1996, Gregory Stapleton wrote:
>> In teaching the classes I have taught at University, I find that I never
>> have time for this.  I believe a day of this would be a wonderful
>> exercise. 
>> Gawain 
>Ummm, Gawain, I hasten to point out that, the times you have taught at 
>UA, you have taught "martyr style", teaching a single Town class ALL DAY 
>LONG. As wonderful as those classes are and as grateful as we all are for 
>you teaching them, you might consider sometimes just teaching a 1 or 2 
>hour class and "Smelling the Roses" the rest of the day.
>Your experience of UA is not typical.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>| Ld Henry Best		| "People don't quit playing because they   |
>| John Strauss		| grow old. They grow old because they quit |
>| jstrauss@gmu.edu	| playing." 	    -Oliver Wendell Holmes  |
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
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