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SCA in Clemson (Was: ?)

Poster: "Thorpe, John" <JThorpe@grnvil.ColumbiaSC.NCR.COM>

Greetings from Eldred!

Scripsit Geophri Robertwick Whitby:

%There is never a better place to find what you want than the local tavern.
% With that in mind, does anybody know what territory the mudane college of
%Clemson (in Clemson, SC) resides in?  Its in the very NW corner of the 
%if that helps.  Moreover, for the bonus round, do you also know the names 
%anybody of title in the respective area?  Email or anything remotely 
%would be greatly appreciated.  I'll soon be an Altantian myself, so I'd 
%to get properly aquainted.  I thank thou for thee's help and time.

Milord, you are in luck!  Clemson is part of the Canton of Falcon Cree in 
Barony of Nottinghill Coill.  Since I once resided there, I can guarantee 
accuracy of my statement. 8^)

As far as notables, the nearest to you are:  Duke Olaf Askoldsson,
Sir Malachi (sp?), Baron Corwyn Wodeward, Baroness Dierdre Morgan.
Master Thomas Smyth of Ayr, Grafin Judith von Gruenwald, Master Karl
von Nordmark, and Sir Tancred dello Falco all are about two hours
away, and there are a few SCAdians living near Clemson that I can put
you in contact with.  There are many others in the Barony, but these are
probably the easiest to reach.  Falcon Cree's Seneschal is on the 'net:
Lord Astel Alyson Sandiland can be reached at shines1@ix.netcom.com

Our next business meeting is August 6th at Quincy's on Haywood Road in
Greenville.  Hope to see you there!

In service,
Lord Eldred AElfwald
Nottinghill Coill Pursuivant
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