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RE: Authorization Cards for Pennsic

Poster: Jay Shaner <JSHANER@frederick.solarex.com>

No.  But thanks for asking.

A continuing problem with the mini-van (168,000+ miles & 8 years old is the 
main problem).  Seems like once we get one problem fixed another occurs.  We 
missed Emerald because of it and now have a transmission problem.  Hope to 
arrange to get a newer (used) vehicle before Pennsic.

| From: owner-atlantia
| To: atlantia
| Subject: RE: Authorization Cards for Pennsic
| Date: Thursday, July 25, 1996 10:35AM
| Poster: petersr@spiegel.becltd.com (Peters, Rise J.)
| Does the transport situation referred to below have any elements that 
| could pitch in and help out with?
| >>"Mistress Isbella will be camping with Clann O'Choda again this year -
| hopefully in their usual spot near the solar showers.  She will be 
| August 3 or 4 (provided our transport situation is resolved by then). "<<
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