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Poster: China <laurie_kovaleski@ncsu.edu>

gendy@panix.com (E. F. MORRILL) wrote:
>Well, folks, as I battle a temperature, here is the listing for Pennsic 25
>Land allotment system\.  There are a few items I need to discuss.
>1)- Please...tell as many people you know the results. This is late this
>year becauseI have had trouble assigning this years spots because of the
>extra size (350 vs 225), and I have not wanted to do an accross the board
>reduction, for you were promised 350 if you pre-reg'd.... 
>(I truly thought that we'd have 5000 people prereg and this would be easy..
> 7000 + is/was not easy).
>2)- If you see your group and the area is listed as:
>	A)- a-blue, that means that for one reason or another I can not 
>give you any of your four choices. You will be ablke to set up on 
>Saturday, August 3, but it may not be in the "Choisest spot) I have  
>about 15 groups in this situation  and about 380 people.
>	B)- yellow, This means that you preregistered a group, but there 
>was no-one who individually pre-reg'd for that group. YOu may start on 
>SUnday August 4, at 9am. Come to the Barn...
>3)- It would be nice if people wouldn't mind "scrunching up a little", 
>especially in NW 40 (i found out that the area will be smaller this year)
>4)- Family groups, ie people with lots of children, dagens dell, nw12, 
>has openings. This is a fully cover wooded area that has been designated 
>as a "Quiet area". Any group that doesn't want "PARTY TILL THEY PUKE" may 
>change their designation.
>5)- I will be holding the cards of all Canadian groups ( I will call).
>6) - people who see this message by 10pm EDT, may, email me and I will 
>hold onto your cards too.
>7)- I leave for Pennsic on Sunday. After that I will not be availbale 
>on-line. Do not call my house...YOu bother my wife and you'll find 
>yourself camping in the Parking lot...:-)
>8) - Ok...I figure there'll be 500 people ready to string me up,
>2000 people who will "put out but that's OK, Edward", 4000 people who 
>will be happy that they got "their" spot, 500 people who will just be 
>happy to get "ANY" SPot and 50 people who even if I put them up in a 
>5-star hotel, complete with paying for their site fee, limosene service 
>to and from the site whenever they wanted it and $30000 spendding money 
>they'd still be pissed....But then, these people remain the same.
>EDWARD "You think this is easy?" Z
>- - - - - - - - - - - - -
>AAA-single camper		1	se15
>Acre				63	ne 6
>Aerie of Tir Thalor		19	sw10
>Aethelmearc Royal		56	ne 4
>Aleholding			7	sw 6a
>Allied Households		41	ne14
>Andelcrag			44	ne12
>Anglesea			28	se19
>Ardchreag			12	sw19
>Argent Company			34	ne 7
>Askholdson flamepoing		33	ne 3
>Azami				25	ne14
>B M D L				59	ne 5
>Badgers Crossing		29	nw12
>Barony of Bergental		26	nw40
>Barony of Bhakail		48	nw 5
>Barony of Black Diamond		13	se 8
>Barony of Carillion		30	ne 5
>Barony of Castel Rouge		10	nw40
>Barony of Delftwood		10	ne 3
>Barony of Dunn Carraig		23	nw 7
>Barony of Fenix	33		ne 7
>Barony of Marinus		46	se 3
>Barony of Northwoods -1		100	ne 9
>Barony of Northwoods -2		37	ne10
>Barony of Red Spears		33	sw14
>Barony of Settmour Swamp	61	se 7
>Barony of Skraeling Althing	37	sw16
>Barony of the Bridge		19	a-blue
>Barony of the Bright Hills	28	sw13
>Barony of the Flame		88	sw 7
>Barony of the Roaring Wastes	109	nw10
>Barony of the Sacred Stone	22	nw40
>Barony of Thescore		53	ne 4
>Barony of Windmasters Hill	60	ne10
>Bear				8	sw21
>Bear Clan			11	sw22
>Belligerant Dragon, House	14	sw13
>Bide--a--Wee			13	se 6
>Black Legion			19	nw 8
>Black Skull Bandits		10	se17
>Black Talon			0	yellow
>Blackforest Rest		18	sw 9
>Blacksword			26	nw10
>Blood Moon Clan			24	a-blue
>Burly Ten Pint Men		3	se10
>Caer Cinniuint			26	se 4
>Caer Draeth			3	sw18
>Caer Edgemere			25	sw 5
>Caer Frig			7	sw 9
>Caer Mac Donald			6	se17
>Camp Crook'd Cat		21	se 5
>Camp Maplewood			6	sw16
>Camp of the Three Bears		13	nw 8
>Camp Pestilence			13	sw12
>Casa del Sol			13	nw40
>Casa dello Falco		18	ne 9
>Chateau D'Merdecheval		10	sw20
>Cheshire House			27	nw10
>Chez D'Argent			28	sw23
>Chirurgeons			15	nw 6
>Christian Woolfe Memorial En	14	se 7
>Cigfran Cylch			13	se10
>Clan Blackhart			16	ne12
>Clan Blue Feather		10	se 7
>Clan Cambion			61	a-blue
>Clan Campbell			10	se13
>Clan Chatten			33	sw 6a
>Clan Cromlech			56	ne13
>Clan Greasan			3	sw 8a
>Clan Ironhawk			8	ne 5
>Clan Kilkenny Camp		71	ne 1
>Clan Kindred of the Wolf	15	sw18
>Clan Lang			0	yellow
>Clan Lurkr 			20	ne 3
>Clan MacAdder			7	sw22
>Clan MacCattan			21	ne 3
>Clan of Heron Keep		24	sw12
>Clan of the Northern Lynx	14	sw18
>Clan Oicarrinuinn		16	sw 9
>Clan Wulfgard			16	sw10
>Clan Yama Kaminari		53	se 2
>Clann O'Choda			109	se 5
>Clanne Preachain		55	se13
>Clovenshield			10	gas
>Coill Tuar			16	sw21
>Colderwild			12	sw 9
>College of Cour d'Or		9	sw13
>College of Grey Gargoyles	21	sw 8
>Compagnie Mercurie		6	se 2
>Conchille			4	sw14
>Concordia			34	a-blue
> Concusare			17	se14
>Coney Island			7	se 8
>Crimson Tide			33	a-blue
>Crow's Nest			11	sw14
>Dalhraidia			19	se14
>Dark Horde Moritu		43	se 6
>Dark Raven			13	se14
>Darkmoon			42	nw10
>Dernehealde			17	sw 9
>Die Fledermaus			13	sw18
>Dragon Clan			14	se 5
>Dragon Hammer II		13	a-blue
>Dragon Mist Cairn		12	sw 7a
>Dragons Vale			2	sw 8a
>Drunken Badgers on the Hill	21	se10
>Duchy Von Grunwald		36	nw10
>Eagles Keep			11	nw 8
>Ealdormere Royal		18	sw14
>Eisenthal			7	nw 6
>Enchanted Ground		13	ne 2
>Eoforwic			23	sw14
>Fagna Fundrsted			8	se15
>Familia Gladiatiria		9	sw22
>Flaming Gryphon			65	sw 8
>Fool's Rest			16	sw23
>Freehold of the River Keep	46	nw10
>Friends of the White Bear	9	ne11
>Full Circle			33	nw10
>Gladique Scoparum		9	nw40
>Goat Clan			11	sw 9a
>Gramorginn/Triasterium		2	nw 7
>Great Household o/t Dark Horde	129	sw 2
>Great Northern			41	nw40
>Haus Eberhorn			41	nw 7
>Haus Godwiesel			5	sw 7a
>Haus Nordwolf			12	sw18
>Haus Schonberg			11	sw18
>Head Clan			1	sw24
>Herald's Point			41	sw 2
>Horn and Crown			17	nw40
>House Ainissestor		18	ne 7
>House Al-Qasim			12	nw12
>House Argus			17	ne 8
>House Batarde			16	se 6
>House Blooguard			30	nw 8
>House Cognescenti		35	se 3
>House Crossbow			23	a-blue
>House Cyclonus			28	se 8
>House de Londres		22	se20
>House DeTyre			29	nw 8
>House Dragon's End		0	yellow
>House dubois Brettone		16	nw 8
>House Gaping Maw		15	nw 8
>House Goldstar			16	se 8
>House Grimwulf			10	sw23
>House Howling Mouse		5	sw20
>House Kestrell			9	sw18
>House Kriegsturm		19	sw 6a
>House Maxwell			11	sw 8a
>House Morwaywffon		17	se13
>House Mouse			8	sw21
>House Oakenwode			16	ne10
>House of Blacksilver		13	se 9
>House of Ravenswood		9	se21
>House of the Guilded Lash	2	ne 5
>House of the Iron Maiden	9	sw 7b
>House of the Lost Keys		14	se 8
>House of the Lost Souls		6	sw23
>House of the Seven Spears	9	se12
>House of Three Roses		12	sw 6a
>House of Toronad		14	sw 4
>House Pink Fuzzy Bunny		13	sw 8a
>House Redoaks			16	ne12
>House Rowanhall			22	a-blue
>House Sanctuary			6	se19
>House Shadowoulfe		18	sw 5
>House Shou Hoe			0	yellow
>House Silver Ram		12	nw 5
>House Silver Talon		0	yellow
>House Silverkeep		20	sw 5
>House Stahlgeist		49	a-blue
>House Thornewood		19	sw 6a
>House Three Skulls		17	nw 5
>House Three Thistles		6	se 5
>House Vexillarius		45	nw12
>House Von Halstern		33	nw 6
>House Wild Rose			24	se11
>House Wynterwood		12	nw 5
>House Zacharias			9	sw24
>Household Bluerose		2	se 9
>Household D'mer			16	se 2
>Household of Barley Marsh	5	sw 7a
>Household of Realmsedge		22	sw 6a
>Hunno-Bulgars			0	yellow
>Hunter's Home			38	nw 7
>Icod				36	se 3
>Ironlance			19	sw13
>Jades Place 			1	nw 7
>Key Largo Gypsies		7	a-blue
>Kingdom of Ansteorra		102	ne 2
>Kingdom of Atenveldt		10	se 3
>Kingdom of Atlantia		99	se 4
>Kingdom of Calontir		122	ne 8
>Kingdom of Drachenwald		35	sw 6
>Kingdom of Meridies - 1		100	ne11
>Kingdom of Meridies - 2		50	ne12
>Kingdom of the East		104	sw 1
>Kingdom of the Middle		33	sw 6
>Kingdom of the Outlands		6	sw 6
>Kingdom of the West		6	se 3
>Kingdom of Trimaris		52	sw15
>Lanark				2	sw19
>Lochmere Combined Encampment	83	nw10
>March of Three Towers		1	ne 7
>Marche of Alderford		16	sw 9
>Marche of Gwyntarian		13	sw 4
>McGuires Marauders		26	ne13
>McKayne				15	se18
>Meduseld			17	se15 
>Midrealm Royal Artillery	5	sw 4
>Mistry Highlands		6	se 8
>Mjollnir			14	nw40
>Monadh				11	sw16
>Morgause's Camp			5	nw40
>Morning Roamers			5	se16
>Mountain Confederation		75	se 7
>Mourning Wood			6	sw19
>New Bridge			15	ne 5
>Nomad Thunder			9	ne13
>Norseland\Norse Recreation Society	30	se13
>Northern Outpost		12	se 8
>Northpass			23	se20
>Northshield Royal Encampment	169	ne15
>Nosse Eldesar			0	yellow
>One Knight Inne			7	sw21
>Orluk Oasis			33	sw 9
>Ostgardr			79	se 6
>Owl's Reste			18	ne11
>Pentwyvern			14	sw10
>Pentwyvern 2			19	sw10
>Petrea Thule			0	yellow
>Phoenix Aerie			33	sw 5
>Pink Palace			20	ne 3
>Polyhymnia			9	a-blue
>Puk's Paradise			3	sw18
>Ragnesfolke			45	se13
>Raven Spittle			17	se 2
>Red Phoenix Horde		8	se14
>Revelwood			11	sw18
>Reynards Peers			9	sw18
>Rhyderrich Hael			48	sw 8
>Rivenstar			37	nw10
>River of Birds			8	se 9
>Rouges				18	sw18
>Royal Forest of Rusted Woodlands	14	se 4
>Rozakii & Friends		25	se13
>Sanctum Mercia			13	sw10
>Shadow clans			48	a-blue
>Shauna's Camp			6	sw20
>Shaynoname			7	ne10
>Shire of Barren Sands		31	sw 4
>Shire of Caer Adamant		22	sw 9
>Shire of Cynnabar		31	se13
>Shire of Dark River		10	sw 7
>Shire of Dragonsmark		14	se 2
>Shire of Eastwatch		17	ne 4
>Shire of Frosted Hills		32	ne 6
>Shire of Heronter		23	ne 6
>Shire of Hornwood		15	se10
>Shire of Iron Bog		36	nw10
>Shire of Montvale		16	nw 7
>Shire of Mugmort		14	sw11
>Shire of Robledal		10	sw21
>Shire of Seareach		2	nw40
>Shire of Shadowed Stars		32	a-blue
>Shire of Stormvale		14	sw 7
>Silver Dragon Wood		11	sw 7a
>Silver Phoenix & Estmar		30	se13
>Sin Pit				10	se 2
>Soursa Fois			4	se16
>Southwork Trained Bands		18	sw12
>Spartii				17	ne 7
>Speckulian			0	yellow
>St. Swithens Bog		25	se18
>Starry Knights			44	sw 6a
>Sternfeld			22	nw10
>Supplicants of Shudi-Ad		15	sw23
>Tagmata				25	sw20
>Tallia Blen			6	sw 7a
>Talymar				26	sw 8
>Tangri				8	se18
>Taz's Island/Black Patche	14	sw18
>The Midlands			70	nw40
>The Rift			10	se11
>Thran Sloth			2	se19
>Three Wenches			6	a-blue
>Tiger Shark/Willow Assn.	14	sw12
>Timberwolfe Household		21	sw18
>Timberwolfe II - aka-Mystic Wolf Den	13	sw24
>Time Pirates of the Shadow Coast	27	sw18
>Tribe Winged Wolf Gypsy Camp	24	sw19
>Trinity Encampment		12	sw12
>Trinovantia Nova		19	se12 
>Ulfednar			13	se 8
>Valkyries Marque		0	yellow
>VAV				7	se17
>Venshavn			9	se12
>Vikland Mercenary Company	1	se13
>Vlad's Pleasure Pavilions	11	se12
>War Puppies			20	se 7
>We Happy Few			23	nw 6
>Wegotsmore			16	ne14
>Wessex Mere			7	sw 4
>White Waters & Clan Neko	21	nw40
>Wixbury marche			5	sw19
>Wulf Den			19	se14
>Wylie Traders			8	ne13
>Wyrd Sisters			28	sw12
>Wyvern Encampment		22	se 1
>E. F. Morrill             Icon God of the Theatre World
>Husband of Elizabeth McMahon, High Fashion Designer
>aka Landgraf Edward Zifran von Gendy, KSCA, OL, OP, ETC
>Husband of Mistress Elizabeth Talbot, OL

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